Clever Ways to Use Business Cards

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Business cards are a great way to network and make connections. You can establish a connection with potential clients, customers, and different types of businesses. One of the top features of business cards is that they are affordable. Moreover, they can be carried around in hand as a marketing tool. 

You will be surprised to know that there are different ways to ways business cards. Here, we are going to take a look at the alternative ways to use paper or plastic business cards

  1. Loyalty Cards

A free cup of coffee or a 20% discount- nothing sounds more interesting than building your stamps on loyalty cards. This is a great way for the brands to reward their loyal customers and make them feel special. No matter what business you have, creating cards is an excellent way to get customers coming back for more. 

To do this, you should brand well using your logo on one side and space for stamps on the other side. It is a great way to add a tad of gamification to the shopping experience. 

  1. Appointment Card

One of the conventional uses for plastic business card printing is an appointment reminder. You have seen them all over town from a styling salon to a doctor’s office. You can use them for your company too, whether you are an architect, a store, or a construction company. 

You are establishing meetings with your partners or customers, already. Business cards are just a way for you to remind your customers or clients of upcoming meeting, while ensuring you have their contact details. You can just leave a display with other businesses or hand them out when you make a sale. 

  1. Referral Card

Referral cards give a business a good boost. Just as with any other promotional materials, you need to ensure that the square business cards are well-designed. Not only do they have to be appealing but they should also have the necessary details that are easy to read and understand.

Hand out the business cards to the best customers so that they are able to give them to their family and friends. Provide a discount for the individual if the person comes and shows the business card. Giving a discount when someone makes their first purchase is a great way to increase your business. But make sure that you are deciding on the program. 

  1. Miniature Art

No matter whether you are an artist, graphic designer, or painter, introduce customers to your work with smaller versions of your art or add them as freebies to the purchases of bigger products. 

Show your art on one side and the other side feature the QR code. people can take your social pages or portfolio to display more of your artwork. 


No matter whether you own a bookshop or an artist and want to display your branding in a creative way, printing bookmarks can be an excellent way to do this. Like with tags, you just need a hole puncher and ribbon to finish it off after your rectangle or square business card printing.

  1. Event Ticket

Your business cards can serve as great event tickets. When you are organizing an event, you can get cards printed with your business details, venue information, logo, date of the event, and time. You can entice your customers further by using a good design.

  1. The Bag Stuffer

One of the ideal ways to get repeat customers is by placing a business card on each card. the shopper is going to take a look at the card later on. Often, people put them on their refrigerator as a reminder of your product, service, or company. You can add your contact details, exciting facts, and upcoming sales news about your business. 

  1. Jewelry Backer Cards

In case you have jewelry business cards can be a great way to display the pieces. All you have to do is punch a few holes into the cards to insert the jewelry piece. Ensure any crucial details, such as the logo and name of the brand are displayed easily. 

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