How to Recruit and Retain Top Talent for Security Manpower

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With the World increasingly competitive, finding the right people for the right jobs has become much more challenging. This applies to all industries, including the security industry. Due to the sensitivity of the job task, the need to choose the right employees is massive. This is why the whole process of recruiting and selecting the right talent for security manpower is pretty extensive. 


In this article, we shall discuss why recruiting and retaining talent for manpower is so critical in the security industry and how human resource managers do it.

Need To Choose The Right Person For The Job


The human resource department is assigned to find talent that fits the job worldwide. It looks for people who are not only skilled but also loyal to their jobs. This is crucial, especially for security companies, since their job is intricate and can only be done if the employee is sincere. The security job requires both the presence of mind and physical stability at all times. 


Loyalty matters the most! The recruited individual must show integrity and sincerity in his daily tasks and be willing to go all out to save his client in his time of need. 

Skills To Look For


Recruiting security manpower requires human resource managers to look for specific skills. These include:

  • Identification Of Risks


First, the security individual has to showcase a sense of alertness to identify the risks. This also involves the innate ability of a person to use gut feeling and intuition to guess what may happen next. Half the time, the mental activeness of identifying the risks helps a person be good at the security job. Once the risk is identified, immediate reactions and responses to the emergency will save the situation. 


Identifying risks and reacting efficiently makes a person fit for the job. This means taking a proactive rather than reactive approach to threats. Even if it doesn’t deter the risk, it may lead to causing the least possible harm once an unfortunate incident occurs. 

  • Skills Required For The Role


It’s not only the gut feeling and intuition that makes one fit for the job. Instead, there are specific skills that one needs to have to be suitable for it. These include:

  • Physical Fitness


Physical fitness is an essential requirement of the job. Any person applying for the job of security manpower needs to be physically active and have the stamina to manage guarding the client for long durations, no matter the weather. The manpower individuals may need to go for physical confrontations and must have the required STRENGTH. At the same time, the level of agility he would show in various situations is also a consideration during the recruitment process. 

  • Ability To Use Technology


In today’s world of technology and awareness, merely physical agility doesn’t work. Rather, one needs to be well aware of recent developments in the technological aspect of security, including the usage of different kinds of surveillance systems. CCTV cameras are ubiquitous, and we and anyone on security teams must be well-aware of how to use them. 


Alongside this, numerous access control systems strengthen a security system. Having adequate knowledge about them also makes one appropriate for the security job. 

  • Efficient Communication Skills


The Manpower Security team has to communicate clearly and crisply with each other and the client. Any ambiguity in the messages sent may cause a lot of damage. Hence, the human resource team ensures that anyone recruited for the job has efficient verbal communication skills and is also a good communicator in writing. If he becomes part of the executive security team, he should be able to compose proper reports later.


Individuals tasked with managing crowds also have the massive responsibility of ensuring the right message is sent. During emergencies, the usage of the right words and phrases matters quite a lot.

  • Know-how of the Legal Aspects of Security


The security personnel must stay informed about the legal aspects of the job. A good understanding of these would make their job much easier.


New developments often affect their work, making staying abreast of current happenings a MUST. The security companies also provide security protocols and guidelines, each with a different draft than the other. The newly recruited team members must know them all to be good at the job. 

Final Words

After an extensive search for the right people, security companies in Canberra can recruit efficient people for vacant jobs. They can then be trained to perform better at their work. Refresher courses and training to improve their skills are also part of the HR team’s regular work. By offering them competitive salaries and lucrative bonuses, the company can motivate them to perform better and showcase great results. A mix and match of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards always keeps the security manpower willing to outperform at even the most brutal possible task!

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